As Langdon and Vittoria is in Vatican City, they are brought to Commander Olivetti which he is the commander and chief of the swiss army force. He is the one who called Cern cause of the mysterious object (the canister which we as readers know that inside the canister is antimatter) that apparently camera #86 is projecting. Ironically they cant trace where the camera is and it will take days to find. As Langdon and Vittoria is trying to explain how they need to send a search team to find this canister in 6 hours or Vatican City will blow up because of the antimatter combined with the matter creates annihilation. Or Vittoria was mentioning to evacuate Vatican City.
As chief Olivetti is being difficult to work with: he doesn't believe in the existence of antimatter. Then he thinks that his Vatican security in bombs coming in is great so there is no way a bomb is in Vatican City. Also the Conclave is occurring in Vatican City which is fifteen days after the pope dies- "a sacred ceremony in which the 165 cardinals of the world- the most powerful men in Christendom- gathered in Vatican City to elect the new Pope" (152). So he has all his men focused on the ceremony and the people outside the chapel. He thinks Langdon and Vittoria is bluffing and is a waste of time to look for this canister.
Now if I were approached with this matter from a scientist from Cern, I would have Vittoria gets a hold of the camerlengo who is the Pope's assistant and when the pope dies, he is in charge until their is a pope that is reelected. So when the chief gets called by one if his troops to check on Langdon and Vittoria cause he spotted them using the phone, the chief gets on the line and realizes that they have contacted the camerlengo. Ordered by the camerlengo to get bring them to his office, the chief followed his orders.
As Langdon and Vittoria was telling the camerlengo about the situation, camerlengo gets a special phone call, its the assassin that murdered Vetra. He says that he is the messenger of the Illuminati. He tells them that he has the four main cardinals which are claimed missing from the chapel and is going to kill them by the hour starting at 8 pm. Also branding them with Illuminati symbols to give payback to what the Catholics did to them a long time ago. He also admits that he but the antimatter somewhere in Vatican City so when it becomes Midnight, terrible things will happen.
The important things that the assassin said about the Church is, "Church attendance is at an all-time low - down forty-six percent in the last decade. Donations are half what they were only seven years ago. Fewer and fewer men are entering the seminary" (199). My idea is why do you care, the Church is losing it[s popularity but the fact that is picture him saying it in a negative way more than a motive to take down the Church. Why mention that?
Also when the camerlengo told the chief if he checked for the four cardinals and the chief told them that the camerlengo had lunch with them an hour ago. So where can they possibly go in an hour on foot. Someone had to know their location before the camerlengo did.
As of know Langdon is trying to find a bomb that is waiting to happen, four cardinals that are very important which their lives are on the line and finally a crazy guy that is causing this but we know Janis is behind this as well. Tough position to be in.
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