Friday, June 28, 2013

Angels and Demons Reading Response on Prologue and Chapters 1-4

The prologue is a basic  intense scene where you as a reader witness (in third person) a guy getting tortured. The person being tortured is Leonardo Vetra who is a physicist. And has quoted, "the dark figure...." (prologue) is the one torturing Vetra. Now what the dark figure guy wants is the password to something that we don't know yet. But as the dark figure guy pressed the white object deeper into Vetra chest begging  to make Vetra cry in agony. He told the dark figure guy that there is no password. From what it seems it looks like the dark figure kills Vetra because even though Vetra thought, "his attacker would never obtain what he came for" (prologue) it says at the very end of the passage that the attacker pulls a blade and when Vetra screamed "For the love of God!!" it was already to late. Meaning that the attacker probably found what he was looking for and since Vetra was a liability, the attacker killed him. Now from my since of thinking this will be a murder case. On who actually killed Vetra because all we know as the killer is the dark figure.

Chapter 1:
In Chapter 1 we get introduced to a character named Robert Langdon who is a professor of religious iconology at Harvard University. He is a forty year old man and the color of his skin is compared to an "aging ghost"(5). Characteristic of Robert Langdon was provided saying, "wisps of gray in his thick brown hair, probing blue eyes, an arrestingly deep voice, and the strong, carefree smile of a collegiate athlete"(5). We learn a little about his history on being a diver for his prep school and college and him currently being six foot and he still has a body shape of a swimmer. So taking that Robert is a healthy guy that is still in good shape. So before all of this background check on Robert Langdon, he wakes from a nightmare and his phone is ringing. He picks up the phone and a discrete particle physicist named Maximilian Kohler is on the line claiming that he needs to see Langdon. Langdon identifies the time to be at 5:18 A.M. and he gets irritated because of the super early call he is getting. As Langdon is continuing to be confused about this call, Kohler claims that he needs Langdon right of way because he needs to show Langdon something that he cant discuss over the phone. Going off the topic, Langdon ask Kohler where he got his number. Kohler response is on the world wide web which Langdon knew his number what not on any of his websites. Langdon claimed that he was lying so as the conversation arose, he got irritated because of Kohler being to vague so he hung up the phone. When Langdon went down stairs, he got a fax, and on the page it showed, "a human corpse. The body had been stripped naked, and its head had been twisted, facing completely backward. On the victim's chest was a terrible burn. The man had been branded.....imprinted with a single word. It was a word Langdon knew well. Very well. He started at the ornate lettering in disbelief: Illuminati" (7). Us as readers know that the image of the dead body is Vetra because of him dying in the prologue by a dark figure guy who was burning his chest just like it was observed by Langdon in the picture. But Langdon doesn't know that yet as he collapse on his chair and was receiving a call at the same time.

Chapter 2:
As the man called asking if he had Langdon's attention know. Langdon confirmed. As Kohler explained that he is a physicist that runs a research facility and we learn that they invented the web. He tells Langdon that they have a murder mystery. Claiming that Langdon saw the body on the the image that was faxed to him. So Kohler voice is persistent on trying to tell Langdon that he need to speak to him in person. So he send a plane over for Langdon that will be there in 20 min. also telling us that the flight is a 1 hour flight from Boston. Langdon agreed to go. Even though Langdon has no idea where he is going.

Chapter 3:
Chapter three tells us a lot of information even though the chapter is only a page. It zooms in to the place where the killer (dark figure who killed Vetra) is serving. We know he got what he was looking because when the "man in charge" (10) asked the dark figure if he got what the man in charge asked for. The confirmation was the dark figure placing a heavy electronic device on the table. The man in charge was pleased. Now I am thinking is this electronic thing a bomb or new generation of technology. But when the man in charge said, "Phase two begins shortly. Get some rest. Tonight we change the world" (11). One that sounds very creepy and I don't know whether he is going to change the world in a good way for a bad way. Also the fact that how can a small device change the world? The author leaves us with a lot of information yet so many questions un answered.

Chapter 4:
As Langdon was introduced to the pilot. They were at the airport and when the pilot took to the plane, well has Langdon put it, "Were riding in that?" (12). The craft was really unusual according to Langdon. But as explained by the pilot, this craft isn't even out for another five years. The craft has no windows and just by the pilots explanation the craft is the newest technology of a plane. Langdon went inside and the pilot called him on the phone next to the seating and their location is Geneva. Langdon thought Geneva by New York but the pilot correct him as Geneva in Switzerland. Then Langdon told him that he though the plane ride is only an hour away. The pilot confirmed that it only takes an hour which shows how fast the craft goes.

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