Sunday, July 28, 2013

Angels and Demons Chapter 5-8 Questions

What is the “employer of the brotherhood’s name?  What might it mean?

The Employers name is Janus. According to the killer the thought of Janus means a code name or a reference of some kind. Then he thought of the Roman two-faced god…or to the moon of Saturn. The Killer thought of the word “Janus” as a word of meaning or code rather than a name. 

What word were the lethal men known by worldwide?  What does the word mean?  What is the word in modern English?

The lethal men were known as the Hassassin which meant the followers of hashish. This word became synonymous with death in almost every language on earth. Then the word evolved into the modern language as the craft of killing-assassins. These lethal men were the killer ancestor. 

Where was Langdon driven?  What was the building called and who operated it?

Robert Langdon was driven to CERN which is a Nuclear Research facility. Robert Langdon flew to Switzerland and was driven to the lab. The man who operated CERN was Maximilian Kohler and was described to be in his sixties along to be in a wheelchair.  
Who invented the worldwide web?

As Langdon was walking passed the wall full of awards, he saw the award for CERN inventing the worldwide web.

What did the police say about the murder?

Kohler did not call the police because an investigation will occur in the lab of Vetra which he and his step daughter (Vittoria Vetra) hold most private which was explained by Kohler to Langdon.  

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